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The Importance of Rest to your Professional Success

We’ve all been in that situation: because you are tired, you fail to pay attention at work. Sometimes, like being in an important business meeting, that lack of attention can be embarrassing. Other times, like working in dangerous situation, it can be life-threatening. Make no mistake: rest matters in your professional life. But did you know…

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Wellness for You. Wellness for Community.

Wellness. One of those precious consequences of taking care of yourself. Every person is a unique contribution to the world, but you can’t offer your contribution if you don’t first take care of yourself. Caring for yourself encompasses three main areas: body, mind, and spirit. The body is obvious enough, but consider all the systems…

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Sleep is Important for Your Health

Many people assume that not getting enough sleep results in feeling fatigued the next day. They don’t link lack of sleep to serious health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. It may seem surprising that lack of sleep could cause health issues but it is common knowledge in the medical community. According…

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Dangers of Irregular Sleeping Patterns in Adolescents

It seems that nearly every year we are provided with another new study that emphasizes the importance of healthy in growing and developing teenagers. Just as food nourishes your body, sleep is one of the most important ways that you can directly impact the overall health of your brain. Consumers will often times do their…

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Four Tips to Improve Your Sleeping Patterns Today

Nothing sets the tone for your day quite like a good night´s sleep, and science continues to prove that proper amounts of rest is required for our bodies to function at their full potential.  Sleep deficiency has been connected to memory loss, slow reaction times and overall moodiness, and for these reasons, many are willing…

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Why Successful Entrepreneurs Sleep More

A recent article in Entrepreneur magazine said it all—many entrepreneurs sleep less than they should. But that stereotypical sleep deprivation is a bad, bad thing that’s hopefully going away. As entrepreneurs ourselves, we know how tough it can be to build a successful business. There’s just so much to do and all of it is…

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