Looking for natural, creative ways to relax and sleep better? Try aromatherapy!
It’s not just a fringe idea anymore. Aromatherapy has long been an anecdotal tool for relaxation. And now scientific research is starting to point to the benefits of various essential oils for building better health and sleeping more soundly.
Think about it: smells can be powerful. They evoke emotions and memories. There’s nothing like a soothing scent to take your brain to a peaceful, relaxed place.
Plus, essential oils are natural and plant-based. They make take longer to make an impact then drugs like, say, Ambien, but you can rest assured there will be no harmful side effects like you might experience with drugs.
Aromatherapy experts recommend incorporating oils such as lavender and vanilla into your bedtime routine. You can add a few drops to a diffuser or add them to a nice warm bath. (As an added benefit, your bedroom and/or body will smell great!)
Or, you can just take a whiff or two before bed.
Several recent studies have found that especially lavender, a flowering plant related to mint, helps. Experts say it’s most effective as part of a calming bedtime routine.
A 2005 study measured the difference in quality of sleep for young men and women who sniffed lavender or distilled water before bed, and found that lavender improved deep sleep and helped participants feel well-rested the next day. “Lavender serves as a mild sedative and has practical applications as a novel, nonphotic method for promoting deep sleep in young men and women,” the study authors reported.
And it’s not just young people who can benefit from lavender. A 2008 British study found that sprinkling lavender oil on the sheets of female insomniacs in their 50s helped the women to fall asleep faster and sleep better.
More studies point to the benefits of aromatherapy for improving sleep quality. We’re keeping an ear to the ground and looking forward to learning more as time goes by. In our stressed out, sleep-deprived society, natural roads to better sleep are always exciting!
Have you used aromatherapy as a sleep aid? We’d love to hear what you think!