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Have Trouble Going to Sleep at Night? Try These Natural Tips

Getting plenty of sleep each night is critical for your overall health. Once you fall asleep, you might not have any problems with waking up in the middle of the night. When it comes to actually falling asleep in the first place, however, you might have a bit of trouble. If so, you aren’t alone. However, this doesn’t mean that you should start taking sleep medication. Instead, consider these natural tips to help you when you’re having trouble going to sleep at night.

Invest in a New Mattress

If you can’t get comfortable when you crawl in bed, then it can be tough to fall asleep. The important first step is making sure that your mattress is right for you. Replacing an old mattress not only can help you fall asleep faster, but it can improve the quality of your sleep. Plus, if you have any aches or pains — such as chronic back pain — you might find that purchasing a new mattress can help with that, too.

When shopping for a mattress, you should look at all of your options. One option to consider is a mattress that is made out of natural materials. Then, you can avoid allergies and other issues. For example, some people are allergic to the latex that is used to make many mattresses, and some have issues with the chemicals that are commonly used in mattress production. Plus, buying a natural mattress will allow you to feel good about your purchase and its minimal impact on the environment.

Along with looking for a natural mattress, you should consider actually testing out multiple mattresses. Different people have different needs, so what works for some might not work for you. For example, if you have a really firm mattress right now, you might find that a softer mattress would be a better choice. Alternatively, a firmer mattress might provide you with more comfort. Your best bet is to try out multiple different options until you find one that makes you feel more comfortable.

Swap Out Your Bedding

Even though a great mattress can help, you still might have trouble falling asleep if you don’t have the right bedding. Many people find high-quality cotton sheets with a high thread count to be the best choice, but it’s also a good idea to try out satin, flannel, jersey and other options to find the one that is most comfortable for you. Consider trying a memory foam pillow for ultimate comfort, and test out various comforter options and different types of blankets until you find one that makes you feel cozy when you crawl in the bed. You may even want to switch your bedding as the seasons change; for example, to stay cool and comfortable during the summer, you might prefer satin sheets and a lightweight blanket. In the winter, you might like to cozy up with flannel sheets and quilts.

Block Out the Light

If the street light outside your window floods light into your room, or if you have a bright nightlight in place, it can make falling asleep tough. Consider covering your windows with heavy, light-blocking blinds, and take the time to turn off or dim the other lights in the house. Wearing a sleeping mask can also help, and you may want to opt for a nightlight with a motion sensor rather than one that shines all night long; then, you’ll have a bit of light when you need it, but you don’t have to worry about too much lighting when you are trying to sleep.

Create a Nighttime Routine

Getting into a nightly routine is very important if you want to be able to fall asleep easily at night. If your usual routine is to stay on your computer until the minute you crawl into bed, or to fall asleep on the couch while watching television and then to move to the bed, then it can really affect your sleep. These are a few tips to follow for developing a nighttime routine that can make falling asleep a whole lot easier and that can improve the actual quality of your sleep:

  • Turn off all of your electronic devices about 30 minutes before you head to bed. Smartphones, tablets, computers and televisions put out white light, which can affect your ability to fall asleep. Your brain activity also increases when you use your devices right before bed, which is the opposite of what should be happening in the moments before you try to go to sleep.
  • Consider sipping on a cup of hot chamomile tea or another favorite non-caffeinated beverage to relax. This is also a good time to read the newspaper or read a couple of chapters of a book.
  • Some people find that taking a hot bath or shower helps them rest. Using a body wash that contains lavender or other soothing ingredients, or adding a few drops of lavender oil to your bath, can help you wind down and feel more relaxed as well.
  • Take the time to get into comfortable pajamas, to wash your face and apply a moisturizer, to put on a soothing body lotion and to otherwise prepare yourself physically. The routine of doing so each night alone can be relaxing and soothing, since it can prepare you mentally and physically to go to sleep. Plus, if you make sure that you are as comfortable as possible, it will be that much easier for you to drift off into dreamland shortly after crawling into bed.
  • As you are getting ready for bed, consider tuning in to soothing music or sound. Sounds from nature, such as oceans crashing or birds chirping softly, can help you feel relaxed and can help you go to sleep. Classical music can also be a good choice. You may want to skip your favorite rock songs and hip-hop tracks right before bed, however, since they can get you hyped up and can actually have an opposite effect.
  • Do you find yourself stressing out about your day or the other things that are on your mind when you lie down? If so, it can definitely make it hard for you to fall asleep. If this is a problem for you, writing a quick journal entry each evening before you go to bed can be a great part of your nighttime routine. It’ll help you get things off of your chest and mind so that you can actually fall asleep when you hit the sack.

Consider Natural Sleep Aids

In general, it is often best to avoid sleep medication if you can help it. It can be easy to become dependent on this type of medication, and some of it can come with nasty side effects that can be even worse than tossing and turning at night.

However, there are natural sleep aids that you can try. For example, a melatonin supplement can help you get better sleep without worrying about chemicals. Also, using lavender essential oil by gently massaging it on your temples and pressure points can also help encourage sleep.

As you can see, there are steps that you can take to make falling asleep a little bit easier, without the need for harsh, chemical-laden sleeping pills. If you’d like to start out by buying a better mattress, contact your local Urban Mattress store to find out about our natural options!